Ken's Blog

Ken's blog is information and tips that Ken has learned over the years of coaching service professionals of various disciplines that he will share with you. His hope is that you will be able to benefit from these experiences and maybe incorporate some of the helpful ideas to improve your efficiencies and effectiveness.

The 10 Keys to Your Success In 2014
January 27, 2014


1. You recognize that you and you alone are responsible for your results.

2. You are committed to doing great work for your clients.

3. You understand that people do not buy what you do – they buy “WHY” you do it.

4.  You have the PIP- you are Purposeful, you are Intentional, and you are Passionate about your business.

5. You are important to your firm and have complete CLARITY of what you want and how you will accomplish it.

6. You are building a strong relationship system with the right people and you manage it well so that you can make your competition irrelevant.

7. You are developing a solid brand and presence in your marketplace.

8. Your effort is continuous – a little bit each day.

9. You strike a proper balance between your professional and personal life.

10. You understand that you cannot do it alone – you depend on others as they depend on you


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